Acherontia atropos (1 buyer)
Acraea issoria (1 seller)
Actias luna (1 seller, 5 buyers)
Actias selene (1 seller, 4 buyers)
Adelpha capucinus (1 seller)
Aglais connexa (1 seller)
Agraulis vanillae (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Agrias amydon (1 seller)
Agriope aurantia
Agrius cingulata (1 seller)
Agrodiaetus ainsae (1 seller)
Alcides agathyrsus (1 seller)
Allancastria cerysii (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Allancastria deyrollei (1 buyer)
Allancastria louristana (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Antheraea frithi (1 seller)
Antheraea pernyi (1 seller, 2 buyers)
Antheraea polyphemus (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Antherina suraka (1 seller)
Anthocharis damone (1 seller)
Anthocharis euphenoides (1 seller)
Anthocharis gruneri (1 seller)
Anthocharis scolymus (2 sellers)
Apatura metis (1 seller)
Appias paulina (1 seller)
Araschnia burejana (1 seller)
Arcas imperialis (1 seller)
Archaeoprepona amphimachus (1 seller)
Archaeoprepona lycomedes (1 seller)
Archon apollinaris (1 buyer)
Archon apollinus (1 seller)
Argema mimosa (1 seller)
Argema mimosae (1 seller)
Argyreus hyperbius (1 seller)
Argyronome laodice
Aricia artaxerxes (1 seller)
Artopoetes pryeri (1 seller)
Asterope degandii (1 seller)
Athyma recurva
Atrophaneura alcinous (1 seller)
Atrophaneura semperi (1 seller)
Attacus atlas (1 seller, 9 buyers)
Attacus edwardsei (1 seller)
Attacus edwardsi (1 buyer)
Autographa gamma (1 buyer)
Battus polydamas (1 seller)
Belenois aurota (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Belenois sp. (1 buyer)
Bhutanitis lidderdalii (2 buyers)
Bhutanitis mansfieldi (1 buyer)
Bhutanitis pulchristata (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Bhutanitis thaidina (1 seller, 2 buyers)
Boloria bellona (1 seller)
Brahmaea christophi (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Cacyreus marshalli (1 seller)
Caligo illioneus (1 seller)
Caligo teucer (1 seller)
Catoblepia berecynthia (1 seller)
Charaxes aristogiton
Charaxes bernardus
Charaxes brutus (1 seller)
Charaxes candiope (1 seller)
Charaxes jasius (1 seller)
Charaxes musakensis (2 sellers)
Charaxes obudoensis (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Charaxes tectonis (1 seller)
Chilasa osmana (1 seller)
Chrysozephyrus brilliantinus (1 seller)
Cithaerias aurorina
Citheronia regalis (3 buyers)
Cocytia durvillei (1 seller)
Colias aurorina (1 buyer)
Colias chlorocoma (1 buyer)
Colias eogene (1 seller)
Colias meadii (1 seller)
Colias nebulosa (1 seller)
Colias nina (1 seller)
Colias sagartia (1 buyer)
Colotis auxo (1 seller)
Colotis ione (1 seller, 2 buyers)
Colotis regina (1 seller)
Copiopteryx sonthonaxi (1 seller, 2 buyers)
Cricula trifenestrata (1 seller)
Cunizza hirlanda (1 seller)
Cyanophrys herodotus (1 seller)
Cyllopsis pertepida (1 seller)
Danaus chrysippus (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Danaus plexippus (1 seller, 2 buyers)
Daphnis nerii (1 seller, 3 buyers)
Darapsa pholus (1 seller)
Deilephila elpenor (1 buyer)
Deilephila porcellus
Deilephila rivularis
Delias belisama
Delias descombesi (1 seller)
Delias pasithoe
Delias sanaca
Elphinstonia bazae (1 seller)
Enantia chlorantha (1 seller)
Episteme vetula
Erinnyis ello (1 seller)
Eryphanis polyxena (1 seller)
Erythrus fortunei (1 seller)
Euchloe belemia (1 seller)
Euchloe crameri (1 seller)
Euchloe tagis (1 seller)
Eudia pavonia (1 seller)
Euptoieta claudia (1 seller)
Eurytides euryleon (1 seller)
Eurytides marcellus (1 seller)
Eurytides molops
Eurytides philolaus (1 seller)
Favonius taxila (1 seller)
Gargina gnosia (1 seller)
Gonepteryx amintha (1 seller)
Gonimbrasia zambezina (1 seller)
Graphium aristeus
Graphium doson
Graphium meyeri
Graphium milon (1 seller)
Graphium sandawanum (1 seller)
Graphium sarpedon
Haetera piera
Hamearis lucina (1 seller)
Hebomoia glaucippe (1 buyer)
Heliconius melpomene (1 seller)
Heliothis peltigera (1 buyer)
Historis odius (1 seller)
Hyalophora cecropia (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Imbrasia epimethea (1 seller)
Imbrasia ertli (1 seller)
Imbrasia truncata (1 seller)
Iphiclides feisthameli (1 seller)
Ixias pyrene
Laeosopis roboris (1 seller)
Laothoe populetti (1 seller)
Leptotes bicolor (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Lexias pardalis
Lieinix nemesis (1 seller)
Limenitis arthemis (1 seller)
Loepa oberthueri (1 seller)
Loepa sikkima (1 seller)
Luehdorfia chinensis (1 seller)
Luehdorfia japonica (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Luehdorfia puziloi (1 seller)
Maculinea arionides (1 seller)
Manduca bergi (1 seller)
Manduca diffissa (1 seller)
Marumba dyras (1 seller)
Meleageria daphnis (1 seller)
Melitaea casta (1 buyer)
Metaporia agathon (1 seller)
Micragone agathylla (1 seller)
Micragone martinae (1 seller)
Mimathyma schrenckii (1 seller)
Morpho amathonte (1 seller)
Morpho cypris (1 seller)
Morpho godarti (1 seller)
Morpho helena (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Morpho helenor (2 sellers)
Morpho menelaus (2 sellers)
Morpho peleides (1 seller)
Morpho rhetenor (2 sellers)
Morpho schultzei (1 seller)
Morpho violaceus (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Naratura bazalus (1 seller)
Naratura japonica (1 seller)
Necyria bellona (1 seller)
Neococytius cluentius (1 seller)
Neomyrina nivea (1 seller)
Neope niphonica (1 seller)
Noreppa chromus (1 seller)
Ornithoptera goliath (1 seller)
Oryba kadeni (1 seller)
Pachylioides resumens (1 seller)
Paonias excaecatus (1 seller)
Papilio andronicus (1 seller)
Papilio arcturus (1 buyer)
Papilio ascolius (1 seller)
Papilio birchalli (1 seller)
Papilio blumei (1 seller)
Papilio canadensis (1 seller)
Papilio chikae (2 sellers, 2 buyers)
Papilio cleotas (1 seller)
Papilio demodocus (1 seller)
Papilio demoleus
Papilio epiphorbas
Papilio fuscus
Papilio gigon
Papilio helenus (1 seller)
Papilio machaon (2 sellers, 1 buyer)
Papilio memnon
Papilio oribazus (1 seller)
Papilio palinurus (1 seller)
Papilio paris (1 seller)
Papilio polytes
Papilio rumanzovia (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Papilio rutulus (1 seller)
Papilio sataspes (1 seller)
Papilio thoas (1 seller)
Papilio ulysses (2 sellers)
Papilio warscewiczii (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Papilio xuthus
Parantica sita (2 sellers)
Parides aeneas (1 seller)
Parnassius bremeri (1 seller)
Parnassius cardinal (1 seller)
Parnassius glacialis (1 seller)
Parnassius simo (1 seller)
Parnassius smintheus (1 seller)
Parnassius stubbendorfii (1 seller)
Parnassius szechenyi (1 seller)
Phoebis philea (1 seller)
Phulia garleppi (1 seller)
Phyllosphingia dissimilis (1 seller)
Pollyura pyrrhus (1 seller)
Polyommatus florience (1 seller)
Pontia helice (1 seller)
Proserpinus proserpina (1 seller)
Protambulyx euryalus (1 seller)
Protambulyx goeldii (1 seller)
Protographium dioxippus (1 seller)
Pseudolycaena marysas (1 seller)
Rothschildia aurota (1 seller)
Rothschildia hesperus (1 seller)
Rothschildia orizaba (1 seller)
Samia cynthia (1 seller, 6 buyers)
Samia ricini (1 seller, 3 buyers)
Samia wallacei (1 buyer)
Sephisa chandra (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Sericinus telamon (1 seller)
Siderone galantis (1 seller)
Siderone marthesia (1 seller)
Siderone syntyche (1 seller)
Siproeta epaphus (1 seller)
Smerinthus cerisyi (1 seller)
Smerinthus jamaicensis (1 seller)
Smerinthus ocellatus (1 seller)
Speyeria atlantis (1 seller)
Speyeria cybele (1 seller)
Sphinx gordius (1 seller)
Streblote panda (1 seller)
Thaumetopoea cheela (1 buyer)
Thaumetopoea dhofarensis (1 buyer)
Thaumetopoea jordana (1 buyer)
Theretra nessus (1 seller)
Theritas paupera (1 seller)
Trabala vishnu (1 seller)
Trogonoptera trojana (1 seller)
Troides magellanus (1 seller)
Urania leilus
Urania riphaeus
Vinsonella caeca (2 buyers)
Xylophanes chiron (1 seller)
Xylophanes nabuchodonosor (1 seller)
Xylophanes pluto (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Xylophanes resta (1 seller)
Xylophanes undata (1 seller)
Zerynthia rumina (1 seller)
Zygaena cocandica (1 seller)
Zygaena occitanica (1 seller)
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