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This section is far from exhaustive - all the plants are in the process of being categorised.

Amanita caesarea  (1 seller)
Armillaria mellea  (1 seller)
Auricularia auricula-judae  (1 seller)
Boletus badius  (1 seller)
Boletus edulis  (1 seller)
Boletus elegans  (1 seller)
Boletus zelleri
Calvatia gigantea  (1 buyer)
Cantharellus cibarius  (1 seller)
Cantharellus tubaeformis
Chroogomphus rutilus  (1 seller)
Clitocybe nuda
Coprinus comatus
Cortinarius caperatus  (1 seller, 10 buyers)
Cortinarius variecolor
Craterellus cornucopioides
Fistulina hepatica  (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Ganoderma lucidum  (1 seller)
Gyromitra esculenta
Hericium erinaceus  (1 seller)
Hydnum repandum
Hygrophorus chrysodon
Lactarius deliciosus  (1 seller, 1 buyer)
Lactarius salmonicolor
Lactarius subdulcis
Lactarius volemus
Laetiporous sulphureus  (1 seller)
Leccinum aurantiacum
Leccinum scabrum
Lepiota procera
Macrolepiota procera
Morchella conica  (1 seller)
Morchella esculenta  (1 seller)
Polyporus mylittae
Polyporus squamosus
Polyporus sulphureus
Rhizopogon luteolus
Rozites caperata  (14 buyers)
Sparassis crispa
Suillus bovinus  (1 buyer)
Suillus caerulescens
Suillus luteus
Suillus tomentosus
Tricholoma matsutake
Tricholoma terreum
Tuber aestivum  (1 seller)
Tuber borchii
Tuber brumale  (1 seller)
Tuber indicum
Tuber macrosporum
Tuber mesentericum
Tuber uncinatum

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