Species within genus: Iris
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Iris amabilis (1 seller) Iris californica Iris cristata Iris decora Iris douglasiana (1 buyer) Iris ensata (1 seller) Iris filifolia Iris florentina Iris foetidissama (1 seller) Iris foetidissima Iris germanica (1 seller) Iris gormanii Iris japonica Iris juncea Iris kaempferi Iris kemaonensis Iris lactea Iris macrosiphon (1 buyer) Iris missouriensis Iris nepalensis |
Iris oratoria (2 buyers) Iris pallida (1 seller, 1 buyer) Iris pseudacorus Iris purdyi Iris sanguinea Iris setosa Iris sibirica (1 seller, 1 buyer) Iris sisyrinchium Iris tectorum Iris tenax (1 seller) Iris versicolor (1 seller, 3 buyers) |
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"Genus": Iris
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